Ger’s Learning Notes #56: AI & learning rockstars

Every time a new technological trend pops-up it also leads to ‘new born’ thought leaders. Professionals that go the extra mile, take a deep dive and share insights and applications. Since AI took the world by storm and is now also disrupting the world of learning, I created an overview of AI & learning thought leaders that I follow.
We need to be grateful for their work and generous sharing. In that sense, this episode of the learning notes is also a way for me to share my appreciation with them for the work they do. Of course, AI is much more than ChatGPT and some of the names in my lists already shared a lot of good and insightful sources and their vision pre-ChatGPT.
I feel enough confident to say: if you follow the advice of the people in these lists and apply their proven ‘life hacks’, it will easily save you a few working hours a week. If so, please share your experiences on social media and mention their names to show your appreciation and forward ‘the magic’ to others.
I created two lists: one international and one with ‘rockstars’ who share in Dutch (based on some special requests from my readers). Every name has a weblink which directs you to the LinkedIn profile of each person. The order of names is based on ‘ladies first’, followed by alphabetical order of their family name. It's not a ranking.
I very much like the idea of all kinds of AI applications serving us as ‘co-pilots’. I hope you can find some great ‘co-pilots’ via the experts presented that make your life a bit easier. Good luck and let me know if you have figured out something cool.

* Recently, I had the privilege to do a webinar with Kerri Buttery about AI for learning. Check out the write-up about the event, made by my colleague Gwendolene Roberts.