The difference between blended and hybrid learning

Back in the day, learning was something that was done more or less the same way for every school. Students sat down, listened to their teacher, took notes and did tests and exercises. Those who were good at this were lucky and probably got good grades. But if you had a hard time following classes like this, well, that was just too bad.
Different students, different learning
The generation of students we have now (Generation WiFi) changed this way of learning. They have been brought up with technology. Scientists discovered that this lifelong exposure led to their brains developing differently. That is why it is often seen that students, no matter what their level is, struggle to sit through a lecture and take notes. We shouldn’t force those students to learn the same way we did 10 years ago; we need to provide them with a form of education that challenges them to bring out the best in them. Luckily, educators are starting to understand that.
The solution: blended learning
This form of education is called blended learning and can be described as a combination between offline and online learning. Students nowadays need an interactive environment to learn in. This environment, for example a learning platform, is the online aspect. But besides that, students still need a sense of purpose and control over what they are learning, which can be provided by the teacher during offline contact hours.
Another term that is being used more often these days is hybrid learning. At first sight, hybrid learning and blended learning seem to be the same; but that is not the case. Hybrid learning focuses on the combination between offline and online learning, whereas blended learning is about finding the right mix for you out of all the possibilities in learning, no matter if they are offline or online.
“We shouldn’t force students to learn the same way we did 10 years ago.”
Blended and hybrid learning in aNewSpring
aNewSpring believes that blended and hybrid learning both will be very effective because of the synergy that is created between different ways of studying. Blended learning utilises the best online tools to support a teacher-led classroom, but young learners are also encouraged to explore and follow their own paths with computer based modules. A trainer can bring those lessons to life and give them meaning. Hybrid learning focuses less on the technology and more on the most effective way to deliver a course to learners, which is different for every company.
In our platform, we’ve integrated hybrid learning functionalities with blended learning functionalities. We want to offer training providers the option to combine offline and online learning - either for blended or hybrid learning purposes. Since hybrid learning is gaining popularity we want to enable our customers to choose for themselves about what kind of learning we can support them with.