Vomar Voordeelmarkt

A super(market) onboarding

Dutch supermarket organisation Vomar Voordeelmarkt gives new employees a good start with a combination of online learning and a programme on the workfloor, in which the technology of aNewSpring provides powerful support.

The challenge

Developing an onboarding programme that appeals to young people

For many young people, a part-time job in a supermarket is their first part-time job. Although every first part-time job is exciting, it is also a job where young people immediately come into contact with colleagues and customers. This makes it all the more important to develop a simple and effective onboarding programme for new employees, according to Inge de Ruyter, Training and Development advisor at Vomar’s HRM department. “One that appeals to new employees and that prepares them well for their first weeks of work.”

The concept

Online preboarding, an app and learning from each other

Vomar Voordeelmarkt uses the platform of aNewSpring for the right mix of online and offline learning interventions. New employees who are set to work in one of the 67 Vomar branches start their blended learning journey even before their first day at work.

With an online preboarding programme, new employees get to know the organisation and get a good idea of their position. They watch videos, answer questions and receive tips from colleagues.

By doing this, they are much more confident on their first workday. If you then take good care of them and guide them, they make a good start.

Inge de Ruyter, Training & Development Advisor at Vomar Voordeelmarkt

This guidance takes place with an onboarding programme on the workfloor. This way, new employees get to know the entire store. As a tangible aid in this process, every new employee receives a passport. In addition to all kinds of assignments, they are given a route through the shop and various helpful checklists. With the help of that passport, new helpers go through the entire induction programme during the first three weeks.

In a special app they submit photo and other practical assignments. They work together with a buddy: someone who is on the same level, but who already has experience and can explain what needs to be done. These buddies will first be trained how they can best tackle this role through an online training in aNewSpring.

The result

92% of new employees are able to work independently

Have the new employees successfully completed the onboarding? Then the buddy signs the certificate in the passport. The new employees hand in the certificate online via the app. “There are often more than fifty photos of these certificates each week,” says De Ruyter. “With this method, we can secure the certificates we’ve obtained and allocate coaching hours to the branches in question. A crucial step that ensures that this programme is well supervised and very positively received.”

It's nice to see how technology and a personal approach reinforce each other in this onboarding trajectory.

Inge de Ruyter, Training & Development Advisor at Vomar Voordeelmarkt

After going through the programme, 3000 new employees were asked what their experiences were.
The results are great!

  • Employees indicate that this way of working gives them a good idea of what to expect, and that they are properly trained in a fun way;

  • 92% of all employees indicate that they are well trained and ready to start working independently;

  • 93% said they had received good guidance from their buddy.

Ready to make your onboarding blended?

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