From scraps of paper to blended learning

“Thanks to blended learning, our students can now keep track of their portfolio digitally. No more lost, unfinished scraps of paper floating around.” With SVO’s blended learning, they got their practically-oriented students learning.

This learning journey was nominated for the aNewSpring Awards 2021.

The organisation

SVO vocational training offers various courses in the food industry. From employees to managers, there’s always a food training that matches your ambitions.

Learning in practice

This blended learning journey offers the solution for students who prefer to work with their hands instead of with theory. They often find it difficult to get started on a certain theory or to stay focused.

"Why don’t we just learn it in practice?" is a question that is often heard. SVO has the solution for that: a blended learning journey that increases engagement and has attractive tools for learning. In this way, the students can fully prepare themselves for real work life in the food industry!

An appetising food learning journey

Various learning tools have been used to make this learning journey about food… appetising. The use of interactive options is becoming increasingly popular and many companies are making extensive use of them. For example, SVO has used interactive theory e-books, linked to interactive e-learning per theme. Playing online games and practicing difficult words from the theory is a big part of that.

An extensive distinction has been made between e-learning and assignments, which keeps the students motivated to continue through the material.

Going digital

A major innovation within the practical training was the switch from paper portfolios to online versions. Via a digital process management tool within aNewSpring, the student and mentor were able to keep track of their progress online. Get rid of it, all those flying papers.

Learn more about the possibilities